Five Things to Do Prior to Booking Your Next Flight to Tokyo

Five Things to Do Prior to Booking Your Next Flight to Tokyo

By Erika Lietzan | Posted on July 29, 2016

Whether you’re planning a trip for business or pleasure, it’s important that you take the time to plan your itinerary in advance. The last thing you want is for something to go wrong and ruin your trip. Here are five things you should do prior to booking your next flight to Tokyo:

1. Research Airports

If you’re flying into Tokyo for business, it’s likely that you’ll be flying into Haneda International Airport. Most business travelers from abroad will fly into Haneda Airport because it’s the closest and most convenient airport for the city center. However, if you’re looking for cheaper flights, Narita International Airport may be a better option. This airport is further outside of the city center, but it is known for having cheaper flight options than Haneda Airport. Depending on your budget and travel plans, either one can be a good option. But before booking your flight, make sure that you know which airport is best for your travel needs.

2. Carefully Review Baggage Policies

If this is your first time traveling internationally, you may not realize how strict airlines can be with their baggage policies. If

Booking your next flight to Tokyo and planning your trip in advance is a great way to make sure you get the most out of your money. Here are five simple things you can do before booking your next flight to Japan.

1. Plan ahead: Booking early has its advantages. You will have more flights to choose from and will have more time to find a good deal.

2. Know when to book: Use the internet’s resources to find the best deals on flights, hotels and rental cars. There are many websites that offer comprehensive travel advice and are updated frequently. Be sure to read customer reviews, as they provide great insight into what other people experienced while at the same place you will be staying or visiting.

3. Compare prices: Use sites like Expedia, Travelocity and Priceline to compare ticket prices between airlines and hotels. Some airlines offer cheaper tickets during certain seasons of the year or days of the week than others do so try booking your flight earlier in advance if possible; this may allow for greater discounts on tickets as well as hotel rates for those who book early enough (check with individual carriers).

4. Know what type of traveler you are: Are you a spontaneous person who likes adventure? Or maybe someone who prefers structure, routine and

You’ve decided that you’re going to book your ticket, but before you do, here are five things to know.

First, find out what it takes to get there. If you’ve been thinking about booking a flight, the first thing you’ll want to do is find out if you can travel to Tokyo and back within the time frame you have available. You’ll also want to make sure that your passport will be valid for at least six months after your departure date.

Second, determine what kind of trip you’d like to take. Do you plan on spending most of your time in Tokyo or would you like to visit other cities as well? For example, are there any temples or shrines that are especially important for your religion? Are there any events in Tokyo that would be worth traveling for?

Third, consider how long it will take to get from point A to point B. For example, if you plan on taking a two-day train ride from Tokyo Station to Kyoto Station, you’ll need three days for travel time. If there are no direct trains available between Osaka and Kyoto stations (which is quite likely), then it’s best not to fly out at all – instead try taking an overnight bus or bullet train ride instead.


I’m going to Tokyo in a few months, so I started researching what I need to know. The first thing I noted is the obvious: It is expensive! So I decided to see if there was anything interesting or unique about booking a flight there that would help me save money and time.

Here is what I found:

1. Check your passport. If you don’t have six months of validity left on your passport, you will most likely be denied boarding by the airline and won’t be allowed to enter Japan.

2. If you’re not from North America, find out if you need a visa to visit Japan. There are almost 90 countries that do not require a visa for short-term stays.

3. Consider buying an international cell phone with data plan, or turning your current cell phone into a global model before you leave.

4. Consider buying travel insurance before leaving home, as it is usually more affordable than buying it once you arrive at your destination.

5. Research the city you will be visiting before you arrive — check out tourist guides, look up places of interest, or search for great restaurants and hotels.

Even if you have a lot of money, this doesn’t mean that you will be able to travel to Japan. You need to make sure that you are going to be able to survive the flight. Booking your flight with a travel agent is one of the best ways to ensure that you will not spend too much money on your flight.

It’s always a good idea to plan ahead when booking your flight. This way, you will know exactly how much money you are going to be spending on your trip. You also don’t want to let a travel agent book your ticket for you because they may try to overcharge you for the ticket.

Instead of leaving it up to chance, make sure that you plan ahead and book your tickets in advance. If you do this, then you can enjoy the entire trip without having to worry about missing any part of it.

First, Book your flight. It’s important to know what dates are good and which ones are in low season. If you want to get a good deal, then make sure you’re flying on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, make sure you’re leaving early because there won’t be as many people in the airport at that time of day.

Second, book your hotel. If you want to get the best deal on a room then go with one that has free breakfast included. Also, don’t forget about getting an airport shuttle so that once you arrive at your destination city there will be no need for transportation or rental car needs.

Thirdly, book your rental car. If it’s cheaper to drive from place A to place B than fly then why not? But remember if you’re coming from far away cities like New York City and Boston then flying might be better since these places have smaller airports which can make them more expensive than flying from larger airports such as LAX or JFK Airport in San Francisco CA so plan accordingly.

Fourthly, pack light! This way when you arrive at your destination city there will be less baggage claim issues since most airlines now charge for extra bags so try not overpack anything before leaving home unless absolutely necessary because this will save money

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