New Products at the Bell 929 and Bell 429 Helicopter

The Bell 929 and Bell 429 helicopter were introduced at the Paris Air Show. The blog, New Products at the Bell 929 and Bell 429 Helicopter, was started to share all of the new features of these two new helicopters. The most popular feature is the flight deck. This includes a glass cockpit with a digital map and an integrated communication control system that provides communications, navigation and autopilot control.

The other popular feature is the performance and efficiency of both helicopters, which provides a significant increase in mission capability for both models.

The Bell 929 was designed as a combat search-and-rescue helicopter for military customers. It features a large cabin with high capacity windows that are ideal for rescue operations. Its increased range allows it to get to patients faster, while its higher rate of climb enables it to reach patients more quickly than other helicopters on the market.

The Bell 429 has been designed as a utility helicopter for commercial customers, but it also has many of the same features as the Bell 929. It is an upgraded version of the Bell 427 model, which has been on the market since 2006.

A new blog has been created for the Bell 929 and Bell 429 Helicopter. The blog will be used to provide additional information on the new features on these two helicopters. This blog is not affiliated with Bell Helicopters but is providing additional information on the features of these two aircraft.

The Bell 929 is a 9 passenger helicopter that can fly at speeds up to 180 knots. The helicopter has a cabin length of 25 feet and a cabin width of 5 feet 6 inches. The cabin height is 4 feet 10 inches. The aircraft has a useful load of over 2,000 pounds and a range of over 400 nautical miles with no reserve fuel.

The Bell 429 is a light twin-engine multi-role helicopter built by Bell Helicopters in Canada. It can carry up to 7 passengers at a time with a maximum payload of 1,500 pounds (680 kg). It has an airspeed of up to 140 knots (260 km/h; 160 mph) and an endurance of 3 hours 30 minutes with full fuel tanks at maximum payload.

Bell Helicopter will be launching two new helicopters called the Bell 429 and the Bell 929. We decided to start a blog with information about these new helicopters.

First, we wanted to give you an overview of what is new for these two helicopters. The Bell 429 will offer the most flexible, reconfigurable cabin in its class, with the ability to accommodate up to seven passengers, or six passengers and one crew member. Since it is designed to be certified in accordance with JAR-27/FAR 27, FAR 29 and JAR-OPS 3 standards, it can also serve as a corporate transport aircraft. And since it can also be certified for IFR flight, it is safe and reliable enough to be used as an air ambulance or search and rescue helicopter.

The Bell 929 will be a more powerful helicopter while retaining all of the features of the Bell 429. It will feature two Pratt & Whitney PT6T-9 Twin-Pac engines that provide 1,800 shaft horsepower each. These engines are more powerful than those on comparable models such as the AgustaWestland AW139 and Eurocopter EC155 B1 while still providing better fuel economy than either of those models. In addition, it will also feature advanced avionics that are not

Bell has announced the new Bell 429 and Bell 929, the latest products in their line of civilian helicopters. These two are similar in many ways, but have some key differences too.

The Bell 429 is designed to be a helicopter that can serve as a multi-role aircraft. It is designed to be able to carry a wide variety of payloads, with different configurations being available for different tasks. There are three main versions: an executive transport, a medevac unit and an aircraft for law enforcement operations. The optional features on each version include unique equipment for those tasks. For example, the law enforcement version includes a high-resolution thermal imaging camera and laser illuminator.

Some of the specifications of the Bell 429 include:

* Medium twin engine helicopter

* Seating for up to 7 passengers plus 1 pilot

* Total weight: 5500 lbs (2500 kg) empty

* Maximum speed of 150 mph (240 km/h) with 30 minutes endurance at that speed and altitude; or 141 mph (227 km/h) with 60 minutes endurance at that speed and altitude; or 132 mph (212 km/h) with 90 minutes endurance at that speed and altitude.

The Bell 929 is designed to be used primarily as an executive transport

The Bell 429 program has launched a new blog site to keep Bell 429 customers and operators up to date with the latest news, information and plans for their aircraft.

The Bell 429 is a light twin-engine helicopter developed by Bell Helicopter. The 429 is a more powerful version of the 407 and features several other design changes.

In addition to the improved powerplant, the Bell 429 includes a more streamlined nose, new tailboom, new cockpit layout, glass cockpit avionics from Thales, an electronic instrument system (EIS) from Honeywell, a bearingless main rotor system with elastomeric bearings (using no metal-to-metal contact), crashworthy seating and fuel cells, IFR capability, and health and usage monitoring system (HUMS).

The Bell 429 helicopter is a new twin-engine utility helicopter that has been type-certified by Transport Canada, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Bell 429 was first introduced at the Paris Air Show in 2005.

The Bell 429 features a single pilot IFR certification and a fully integrated glass cockpit. The 429 also features an advanced drive system, a fully-integrated digital avionics suite with a 4-axis autopilot and health and usage monitoring system (HUMS). Additional features of the Bell 429 include:

-Fadec on both engines

-Backup analog instrument package

-30 minute one engine inoperative capability

-Closed loop fuel system with dual boost pumps

-Baggage area accessible from cabin or externally

The Bell 429 helicopter is an enhanced version of the popular 407. It features a larger cabin and a new rotor system which delivers faster speeds, longer range and improved performance in hot/high conditions.

The 429 was certified by Transport Canada in September 2009, with EASA following suit in October and the FAA granting certification in December.

Our first customer delivery was to the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACoFD), which received a total of five helicopters and three simulators in 2010. Other customers include the governments of Mexico and South Korea, as well as Air Methods and Canadian Helicopters Ltd. The 429 also has been selected for use by air medical services and law enforcement agencies around the world, including Air Evac Lifeteam, West Midlands Air Ambulance, London HEMS and PHI Inc., among others.

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